Samuel Adams Brewer Counsels Small Businesses

Gretchen Ertl for The New York Times

Jim Koch, who started brewing Samuel Adams Boston Lager at his house in 1984, and Carlene O'Garro, who runs a cake business, participate in a program in which big businesses help small ones.

Carlene O’Garro’s cake business was barely a month old when she arrived at the Samuel Adams brewery in South Boston recently to meet with business counselors, but she brought with her an agenda that hinted at outsize ambitions.

Ms. O’Garro bakes nondairy cheesecakes that she was selling at a handful of grocery stores, including two Whole Foods outlets, in the Boston area. She hoped to learn how to expand the business and distribute the cakes nationally. “I know Jim is all over the place,” she said, “and I want to be like that.”

Jim is Jim Koch, the founder of the Boston Beer Company and one of 36 advisers who spent an evening last August “speed coaching” fledgling food, beverage and hospitality businesses. In 20-minute sessions, some 95 bakers, brewers and restaurant owners peppered the coaches — Boston Beer employees and consultants who included lawyers, accountants and small-business counselors — with questions about both basic day-to-day issues and more strategic concerns.

Speed coaching is one element of “Brewing the American Dream,” a program Boston Beer established with a microlender, Accion, to help small businesses. Mr. Koch, who started brewing Samuel Adams Boston Lager at his house in 1984, remains central to these efforts even as he presides over a company with a market capitalization of $1.4 billion and annual revenue of more than $500 million. He said he had not forgotten his early days, when he struggled to find capital, get his beer into distribution networks and expand.

In six sessions that August evening, Mr. Koch spoke with perhaps a dozen entrepreneurs and then stayed another hour to visit with six or eight more. This year, Boston Beer and Accion are staging 12 speed-coaching events in 11 cities, and Mr. Koch expects to attend about half of them.

Big businesses reaching out to help smaller businesses has come into vogue since the recession. In 2009, Goldman Sachs introduced its 10,000 Small Businesses campaign. Starbucks raises money from customer donations to finance small-business loans. American Express encourages consumers to shop locally on “Small Business Saturday” after Thanksgiving. The New York Stock Exchange links small vendors with large corporations and finances loans through Accion. And several corporations have run contests — Wal-Mart, Chase Bank and Staples have furnished winning small companies with opportunities for retail distribution, capital and office equipment.

It is the latest example of what is known in corporate circles as cause marketing — hitching a brand to a social issue. “How you improve the American economy and create jobs is on everybody’s minds these days,” said David Hessekiel, founder and president of Cause Marketing Forum. “Companies know that it’s on the minds of their consumers, and they want to be seen as part of the solution, not as the enemy.”

That has been a particular concern for chains like Wal-Mart and Starbucks, given their longstanding reputations for forcing local competitors to close. Helping small businesses, Mr. Hessekiel said, “helps them deal with an old issue.”

The Boston Beer program actually predates the recent economic crisis. The seeds of the idea, Mr. Koch said, came to him in 2007 as he walked to his car after he and his employees had volunteered to paint a nearby community center. “I should have felt really good, and I didn’t — I felt a little depressed,” he said. “What I realized is, I’d just taken about $10,000 worth of management time and talent, and turned it into about $1,000 worth of painting. And it was pretty bad painting, too.”

Mr. Koch retooled his company’s philanthropy to take advantage of its resources, particularly its employees’ expertise. The company has committed $1.4 million to finance loans, which are handled by Accion. The loans are small, typically $5,000 to $7,000, with terms of 18 months to two years and interest rates that vary regionally. (In New England, the rate is around 13 percent, typical for microloans.) Perhaps as important as the money is the tutoring by Mr. Koch and his employees. Most microloan programs provide borrowers with rudimentary counseling, but Boston Beer is unusually “high touch,” said Shaolee Sen, vice president for strategy and development at the Accion U.S. Network.

Ms. O’Garro was one of the program’s original clients — she has had two loans, totaling $4,000 — and though she’s repaid that debt and though the muffin business it helped finance has been dormant since 2010, she continues to derive benefits from the program with her cheesecake business, Delectable Desires. She learned how to price her cakes from an employee in Boston Beer’s finance department, Mike Cramer, who went to Whole Foods and scoped out the competition. “He actually made a spreadsheet for me of how much the high-end and low-end desserts cost,” she said.

Another borrower, Sandy Russo of Lulu’s Sweet Shoppe in Boston, said that when she had questions, she sometimes called Mr. Koch’s executive assistant. Last summer, when Lulu’s opened a second location, Boston Beer’s lawyers reviewed the lease and its public relations staff wrote the news release.

Of course, it’s one thing to provide that kind of support to a handful of companies. The question facing Accion and Boston Beer is whether the program can remain as intensive as it expands nationally. “We’re really struggling with that right now,” Ms. Sen said. “The portfolio has been so small up until this point that they really are passionate about their clients.”

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White House Supports Top U.S. Commander in Afghanistan

President Obama has faith in Gen. John R. Allen, the top American and NATO commander in Afghanistan, the White House spokesman said on Tuesday, after it was disclosed that the general was under investigation for what the Pentagon called “inappropriate communication” with the woman whose complaint to the F.B.I. set off the scandal involving David H. Petraeus’s extramarital affair.

“The president thinks very highly of General Allen,” the spokesman, Jay Carney, said at a White House news briefing. “He has faith in General Allen,” and believes that he has done “an excellent job” as commander in Afghanistan, Mr. Carney added. General Allen’s recent nomination to become the supreme allied commander in Europe, Mr. Carney said, is delayed at the request of Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta pending the investigation’s outcome.

Mr. Panetta and other officials disclosed overnight the investigation into General Allen’s e-mails with Jill Kelley, the woman in Tampa, Fla., who was seen by Paula Broadwell, Mr. Petraeus’s lover, as a rival for his attentions.

Mr. Petraeus’s affair led to his resignation as head of the C.I.A. on Friday, and the F.B.I.’s investigations into e-mails in the matter apparently led in turn to General Allen’s correspondence.

In a statement released to reporters on his plane en route to Australia early Tuesday, Mr. Panetta said the F.B.I. on Sunday had referred “a matter involving” General Allen to the Pentagon.

Mr. Panetta turned the matter over to the Pentagon’s inspector general to conduct an investigation into what a defense official said were thousands of pages of documents, many of them e-mails between General Allen and Ms. Kelley.

A senior law enforcement official in Washington said on Tuesday that F.B.I. investigators, looking into Ms. Kelley’s complaint about anonymous e-mails she had received, examined all of her e-mails as a routine step.

“When you get involved in a cybercase like this, you have to look at everything,” the official said, suggesting that Ms. Kelley may not have considered that possibility when she filed the complaint. “The real question is why someone decided to open this can of worms.”

The official would not describe the content of the e-mails between General Allen and Ms. Kelley or say specifically why F.B.I. officials had decided to pass them on to the Defense Department. “Generally, the nature of the e-mails warranted providing them to D.O.D.,” he said.

Under military law, adultery can be a crime.

The defense official on Mr. Panetta’s plane said that General Allen, who is also married, told Pentagon officials that he had done nothing wrong. Neither he nor Ms. Kelley, who is also married with children, could be reached for comment early Tuesday. Mr. Panetta’s statement praised General Allen for his leadership in Afghanistan and said, “He is entitled to due process in this matter.”

A senior Defense Department official said General Allen had denied having an extramarital affair with Ms. Kelley. But the official said the content of some of the e-mails “was of a flirtatious nature.”

“Some were of an affectionate nature,” the official said, adding that it was unclear whether the flirtatiousness expressed was from General Allen to Ms. Kelley, from Ms. Kelley to General Allen, or mutual.

“That is what makes the e-mails potentially inappropriate,” he said.

The official said that he had not read the e-mails, but had been briefed on the content, and that they did not contain anything inappropriate regarding operations or security.

But there were conflicting assessments of the content of the e-mails. Associates of General Allen said that the e-mails were of an innocuous nature. Some of the e-mails, these associates said, used terms of endearment, but not in a flirtatious way.

Pentagon officials cautioned against making too much of the number of documents, since some might be from e-mail chains, or brief messages printed out on a whole page.

The Pentagon inspector general’s investigation opens up what could be a widening scandal into two of the most prominent generals of their generation: Mr. Petraeus, who was the top commander in Iraq and Afghanistan before he retired from the military and became director of the C.I.A., only to resign on Friday because of the affair, and General Allen, who also served in Iraq and now commands 68,000 American troops in Afghanistan.

Although General Allen will remain the commander in Afghanistan, Mr. Panetta said that he had asked President Obama to delay the general’s nomination to be the commander of American forces in Europe and the supreme allied commander of NATO, two positions he was to move into after what was expected to be easy confirmation by the Senate. Mr. Panetta said in his statement that Mr. Obama agreed with his request.

Scott Shane and Thom Shanker contributed reporting from Washington.

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Critic’s Notebook: Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Halo 4


Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

If you’re playing a popular video game on your television these days, there’s a good chance that you’re pretending to shoot something.

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A screen shot from Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops II, which imagines a Defense Secretary Petraeus in 2025

The worlds of many blockbusters for the PlayStation and Xbox systems are seen down the barrel of a gun, which to an outsider might seem to limit the range of possible expression. More pretend violence. More men shooting men. More expensive virtual realms in which the right to bear arms is about the only right anyone exercises.

Sure enough, two of this month’s (and this year’s) biggest gaming blockbusters, Halo 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops II, consist mostly of shooting and not being shot. Both games, however, justify this point. Both demonstrate how interesting and worthwhile the shooting in a video game can be.

Forget that Halo 4 is a science-fiction heroic epic, set to begin a second multimillion-selling trilogy, as we control Master Chief, the armored space Marine (and possible species savior), in gunfights on strange new worlds. Forget that Call of Duty: Black Ops II is the nth annual military shooter and possibly the biggest moneymaker of any piece of new entertainment of the year. These trappings don’t make these games fun. The shooting does.

Shooting in video games is ultimately the connecting of Point A to Point B, the elimination of one set of shapes, representing the enemy, from a TV screen to keep another arrangement of shapes, representing you, illuminated and ready for the next encounter. A good shooter game is a laboratory for tactical decisions and a test chamber for your reflexes and wits. It’s armed checkers or chess with no resting for turn taking. Halo 4 and Black Ops II both qualify as very good new shooters, though in surprisingly different ways.

But first, some context is needed. Because even though shooting is the core of these games, it’s neither what obviously distinguishes them nor what the marketers of these games or even your own eyes might suggest define them.

One game bellows barely intelligible space opera; the other spits out well-chewed Tom Clancy mixed with James Bond. One is sci-fi and allows the odd romance to flicker between our faceless supersoldier hero and the voluptuous, artificially intelligent female hologram who tells our supersoldier where to go to find the next aliens to shoot. The other game is a mélange of American anxieties about the backfired partnerships of the cold war and the continuing drone warfare of today.

In one level of Black Ops II, set in the 1980s, the Afghan mujahedeen turn their guns on their American friends. In a level set in 2025, American drones are reprogrammed by a terrorist to bomb Los Angeles. Oliver North, the Reagan-era national security aide at the heart of the Iran-contra affair, advised the production, though his in-game cameo will now raise fewer eyebrows than will the appearance, in virtual form, of the newly resigned director of the Central Intelligence Agency, David H. Petraeus. The game’s defense secretary in 2025 is voiced by an actor and mostly just stands around, loyally serving a Hillary Rodham Clinton look-alike president, his programmers doubtless unaware of how unintentionally odd their inclusion of Mr. Petraeus would be.

As interesting as the settings and situations are in Halo and Black Ops II, they’re practically irrelevant to those who enjoy these games. Shooters engage people as a presentation of conundrums that last as long as a quick exchange of gunfire and that are eligible for a painless do-over after any failure.

Someone once said that video games were really just about cleaning, about finding the right tools to scrub enemies from a scene. In Halo games the vacuum, mop and dust rag have been the gun, the grenade and the melee. Recent versions have added equipment like jetpacks or, in Halo 4, a floating sentry turret and glide jets, among other things. The typical encounter has involved approaching an enemy force and maybe tossing a grenade to make it scramble or drop its shields, then shooting it to soften it up further, then running in to punch it, then hanging back to heal rapidly.

Halo 4, which plays more like a stunningly beautiful remake than like a sequel, does little to change this other than to introduce one excellent new enemy, the Promethean. This bad guy is a sort of robo-knight who is often abetted by machine-gun-armed attack dogs and a floating turret that can douse the knight with shields or even revive it. The Promethean presents a challenge for players who must decide during encounter after encounter in which order to eliminate those foes and with which weapons.

Stephen Totilo is the editor in chief of the gaming site

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‘Half-Match’ Bone Marrow Transplants Cure Sickle Cell in Trial

In her mid-20s, Yetunde Felix-Ukwu wore a Fentanyl patch that delivered enough narcotic to knock most adults out cold. Yet it barely kept her pain, caused by sickle cell disease, tolerable.

Even with the patch, she was hospitalized almost every month for the pain, which she said was “like being hit with a hammer, searing, throbbing, you name it.”

A debilitating genetic disorder, sickle-cell disease causes blood cells to be shaped like sickles, or crescents, and to be rigid, not pliable. Rather than squeezing in and out of capillaries and blood vessels as normal cells do, the sickle cells jam up, depriving tissues throughout the body of blood and oxygen. That can cause severe organ damage, stroke, blindness and unimaginable pain.

“Imagine heart attack pain all over the body,” said Dr. Robert A. Brodsky, director of the division of hematology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Many patients don’t live past 50.

A bone marrow transplant could help. The problem is, most patients, including Ms. Felix-Ukwu, cannot get a bone marrow transplant because they don’t have a perfect genetic match. Like a vast majority of others who have sickle cell disease, Ms. Felix-Ukwu is African-American, and the chance of an African-American finding a donor in bone marrow registries is about 10 percent, compared with a 60 to 70 percent chance for Caucasians, Dr. Brodsky said.

Dr. Brodsky and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins, however, began a bone marrow transplant trial using so-called half-match donors. The trial has found that the procedure can cure sickle cell, replacing defective stem cells that produce sickle-shaped cells with normal stem cells that churn out plump, pliable blood cells.

Since almost everyone with a sibling, a parent or a child has a genetic half match, the procedure could make bone marrow transplants available to more than 90 percent of candidates.

“It opens the opportunity for a cure for thousands of adults with the disease who previously had not had any hope of a cure,” said Dr. Michael DeBaun, director of the Center for Excellence in Sickle Cell Disease at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Dr. DeBaun was not involved with the half-match trial.

Beginning in high school, Ms. Felix-Ukwu, now 30, had undergone regular transfusions to dilute and temporarily replace the sickle cells in her blood, but the transfusions stopped helping. Half-match donors have been used for about a decade in bone marrow transplants for leukemia and lymphoma patients, and the doctors believed it was now safe enough to use in sickle cell patients.

Ms. Felix-Ukwu, who lives in Lanham, Md., enrolled in the Johns Hopkins study, and her younger sister, Woma Felix-Ukwu, became her half-matched bone marrow donor.

Ms. Felix-Ukwu had to undergo a grueling course of chemotherapy, radiation and immunosuppresants before receiving the transplant.

“Those three days of chemo were the hardest days of my life, including all the pain I had been through with sickle cell,” she said. But it worked. Her body started producing normal blood cells. She continued to have some pain for another 18 months or so, for reasons that are not entirely clear, but now, three years after the transplant, Ms. Felix-Ukwu is disease-free and off all of her pain medications.

“It’s absolutely amazing,” says Dr. Brodsky, who published the study this month in Blood, the journal of the American Society of Hematology. Of the 14 patients in the study who received half-matched transplants, six were cured, meaning that their bone marrow is made up entirely of the donor’s and they are no longer producing sickle cells.

Two additional patients are still taking immunosuppressive drugs, meaning that the donor’s bone marrow took, but they still have some of their own marrow. They still have a chance of being cured.

In a half-match transplant, known medically as haploidentical transplant, only 50 percent of the pertinent genes have to match up. Testing for a bone marrow match entails looking for genes in the human leukocyte antigen, or H.L.A., system, the part of the immune system that recognizes self and not self.

In a full match, 8 to 10 H.L.A. genes need to match between donor and recipient.

“If you have disparities in the H.L.A. system and you transplant stem cells that recognize the patient as foreign, the new immune system will start attacking the patient,” said Dr. Brodsky. In half-match transplants, only half of these H.L.A. genes need to match.

But half-match transplants carry the risk that the donor’s immune cells will attack the host, a potentially deadly complication called graft-versus-host disease.

To reduce this risk, patients receive the chemotherapeutic drug cyclophosphamide after the bone marrow is transplanted. This drug kills the donor’s lymphocytes that would normally attack the recipient, but it spares the donor stem cells, which have an enzyme that makes them immune to it. The stem cells then produce new lymphocytes.

“What happens is that the new cells that are generated become tolerant to the host and will not attack it,” says Dr. Javier Bolaños-Meade, the lead author on the study and associate professor of oncology at Johns Hopkins.

“The biggest paradigm shift was the post-treatment chemo,” added Dr. Brodsky.

The other shift was the trend toward a gentler pre-treatment. In a traditional bone marrow transplant to treat cancer, patients receive high-dose chemotherapy and radiation before the transplant, not only to suppress the immune system but to kill off every last cancer cell in the body. But in sickle cell, the chemotherapy just has to suppress the immune system, so doctors can use a less intense regimen.

This could potentially open it up to many more adults. Bone marrow transplants have largely been offered to children with sickle cell, not adults, who were often too weak or debilitated to endure the more intense pre-treatments.

The half-match transplant is still experimental, and because of its toxicity, it is recommended only for those with advanced disease. It was successful in only about 50 percent of patients.

“You’re putting people through a lot, and to have half of the transplants not take must be heartbreaking,” said Dr. Jane Little, director of the adult sickle cell program at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. “It’s exposing patients to risk you can’t take away. But it also really expands the pool of potential recipients.”

The team at Johns Hopkins is tweaking the procedure to improve the success rate without increasing the toxicity, said Dr. Bolaños-Meade. “We are working on transplanting with a higher number of stem cells to help overcome rejection,” he said.

“Clearly it doesn’t cure everyone, but in those patients in which it works, it’s a huge, huge thing,” Dr. Bolaños-Meade said.

This August, Ms. Felix-Ukwu celebrated a year without being in the hospital. She plans to go back to law school next September.

“When I look back, I wonder how I ever made it through all that pain,” she said. “Now I feel like I’m on vacation. I finally have the freedom to be able to live my life.”

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‘Half-Match’ Bone Marrow Transplants Cure Sickle Cell in Trial

In her mid-20s, Yetunde Felix-Ukwu wore a Fentanyl patch that delivered enough narcotic to knock most adults out cold. Yet it barely kept her pain, caused by sickle cell disease, tolerable.

Even with the patch, she was hospitalized almost every month for the pain, which she said was “like being hit with a hammer, searing, throbbing, you name it.”

A debilitating genetic disorder, sickle-cell disease causes blood cells to be shaped like sickles, or crescents, and to be rigid, not pliable. Rather than squeezing in and out of capillaries and blood vessels as normal cells do, the sickle cells jam up, depriving tissues throughout the body of blood and oxygen. That can cause severe organ damage, stroke, blindness and unimaginable pain.

“Imagine heart attack pain all over the body,” said Dr. Robert A. Brodsky, director of the division of hematology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Many patients don’t live past 50.

A bone marrow transplant could help. The problem is, most patients, including Ms. Felix-Ukwu, cannot get a bone marrow transplant because they don’t have a perfect genetic match. Like a vast majority of others who have sickle cell disease, Ms. Felix-Ukwu is African-American, and the chance of an African-American finding a donor in bone marrow registries is about 10 percent, compared with a 60 to 70 percent chance for Caucasians, Dr. Brodsky said.

Dr. Brodsky and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins, however, began a bone marrow transplant trial using so-called half-match donors. The trial has found that the procedure can cure sickle cell, replacing defective stem cells that produce sickle-shaped cells with normal stem cells that churn out plump, pliable blood cells.

Since almost everyone with a sibling, a parent or a child has a genetic half match, the procedure could make bone marrow transplants available to more than 90 percent of candidates.

“It opens the opportunity for a cure for thousands of adults with the disease who previously had not had any hope of a cure,” said Dr. Michael DeBaun, director of the Center for Excellence in Sickle Cell Disease at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Dr. DeBaun was not involved with the half-match trial.

Beginning in high school, Ms. Felix-Ukwu, now 30, had undergone regular transfusions to dilute and temporarily replace the sickle cells in her blood, but the transfusions stopped helping. Half-match donors have been used for about a decade in bone marrow transplants for leukemia and lymphoma patients, and the doctors believed it was now safe enough to use in sickle cell patients.

Ms. Felix-Ukwu, who lives in Lanham, Md., enrolled in the Johns Hopkins study, and her younger sister, Woma Felix-Ukwu, became her half-matched bone marrow donor.

Ms. Felix-Ukwu had to undergo a grueling course of chemotherapy, radiation and immunosuppresants before receiving the transplant.

“Those three days of chemo were the hardest days of my life, including all the pain I had been through with sickle cell,” she said. But it worked. Her body started producing normal blood cells. She continued to have some pain for another 18 months or so, for reasons that are not entirely clear, but now, three years after the transplant, Ms. Felix-Ukwu is disease-free and off all of her pain medications.

“It’s absolutely amazing,” says Dr. Brodsky, who published the study this month in Blood, the journal of the American Society of Hematology. Of the 14 patients in the study who received half-matched transplants, six were cured, meaning that their bone marrow is made up entirely of the donor’s and they are no longer producing sickle cells.

Two additional patients are still taking immunosuppressive drugs, meaning that the donor’s bone marrow took, but they still have some of their own marrow. They still have a chance of being cured.

In a half-match transplant, known medically as haploidentical transplant, only 50 percent of the pertinent genes have to match up. Testing for a bone marrow match entails looking for genes in the human leukocyte antigen, or H.L.A., system, the part of the immune system that recognizes self and not self.

In a full match, 8 to 10 H.L.A. genes need to match between donor and recipient.

“If you have disparities in the H.L.A. system and you transplant stem cells that recognize the patient as foreign, the new immune system will start attacking the patient,” said Dr. Brodsky. In half-match transplants, only half of these H.L.A. genes need to match.

But half-match transplants carry the risk that the donor’s immune cells will attack the host, a potentially deadly complication called graft-versus-host disease.

To reduce this risk, patients receive the chemotherapeutic drug cyclophosphamide after the bone marrow is transplanted. This drug kills the donor’s lymphocytes that would normally attack the recipient, but it spares the donor stem cells, which have an enzyme that makes them immune to it. The stem cells then produce new lymphocytes.

“What happens is that the new cells that are generated become tolerant to the host and will not attack it,” says Dr. Javier Bolaños-Meade, the lead author on the study and associate professor of oncology at Johns Hopkins.

“The biggest paradigm shift was the post-treatment chemo,” added Dr. Brodsky.

The other shift was the trend toward a gentler pre-treatment. In a traditional bone marrow transplant to treat cancer, patients receive high-dose chemotherapy and radiation before the transplant, not only to suppress the immune system but to kill off every last cancer cell in the body. But in sickle cell, the chemotherapy just has to suppress the immune system, so doctors can use a less intense regimen.

This could potentially open it up to many more adults. Bone marrow transplants have largely been offered to children with sickle cell, not adults, who were often too weak or debilitated to endure the more intense pre-treatments.

The half-match transplant is still experimental, and because of its toxicity, it is recommended only for those with advanced disease. It was successful in only about 50 percent of patients.

“You’re putting people through a lot, and to have half of the transplants not take must be heartbreaking,” said Dr. Jane Little, director of the adult sickle cell program at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. “It’s exposing patients to risk you can’t take away. But it also really expands the pool of potential recipients.”

The team at Johns Hopkins is tweaking the procedure to improve the success rate without increasing the toxicity, said Dr. Bolaños-Meade. “We are working on transplanting with a higher number of stem cells to help overcome rejection,” he said.

“Clearly it doesn’t cure everyone, but in those patients in which it works, it’s a huge, huge thing,” Dr. Bolaños-Meade said.

This August, Ms. Felix-Ukwu celebrated a year without being in the hospital. She plans to go back to law school next September.

“When I look back, I wonder how I ever made it through all that pain,” she said. “Now I feel like I’m on vacation. I finally have the freedom to be able to live my life.”

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Syrian Jet Strikes Close to Border With Turkey

GAZIANTEP, Turkey — Syria pulled both Turkey and Israel closer to military entanglements in its civil war on Monday, bombing a rebel-held Syrian village a few yards from the Turkish border in a deadly aerial assault and provoking Israeli tank commanders in the disputed Golan Heights into blasting mobile Syrian artillery units across their own armistice line.

The escalations, which threatened once again to draw in two of Syria’s most powerful neighbors, came hours after the fractious Syrian opposition announced a broad new unity pact that elicited praise from the big foreign powers backing their effort to topple President Bashar al-Assad.

“It is a big day for the Syrian opposition,” wrote Joshua Landis, an expert on Syrian political history and the author of the widely followed Syria Comment blog. Mr. Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma, wrote that the “Assad regime must be worried, as it has survived for 42 years thanks to Syria’s fragmentation.”

There has been speculation that Mr. Assad, feeling increasingly threatened, may deliberately seek to widen the conflict that has consumed much of his own country for the past 20 months and left roughly 40,000 people dead. Although there is no indication that Mr. Assad has decided to try to lure Israel into the fight, any Israeli involvement could rally his failing support and frustrate the efforts of his Arab adversaries.

The attack on the Turkish border, by what Syrian witnesses identified as a Syrian MIG-25 warplane, demolished at least 15 buildings and killed at least 20 people in the town of Ras al-Ain, the scene of heavy fighting for days and an impromptu crossing point for thousands of Syrian refugees clambering for safety into Turkey.

“The plane appeared in seconds, dropped a bomb and killed children,” said Nezir Alan, a doctor who witnessed the bombing. “Here is total chaos.” In a telephone interview from Ras al-Ain, he said the bombing wounded at least 70 people, 50 of them critically. Turkish television stations reported that ambulances were rushing victims into Ceylanpinar, Turkey, just across the border.

Windows of shops and houses in Ceylanpinar were shattered by the force of the bombing, and Turkish television showed people on both sides of the border running in panic, while military vehicles raced down streets as a huge cloud of smoke hung over the area.

There were no immediate reports of deaths or injuries in Ceylanpinar. But the Turkish authorities, increasingly angered by what they view as Syrian provocations, have deployed troops and artillery units along the 550-mile border with Syria and have raised the idea of installing Patriot missile batteries that could deter Syrian military aircraft.

Turkey’s foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, sent a diplomatic note to Syria on Monday to protest the Ras al-Ain bombing, the semiofficial Anatolian News Agency reported.

Civilians in southern Turkey’s provinces of Hatay, Sanliurfa and Gaziantep, where the government has erected camps for Syrian refugees, have been advised not to travel close to the border.

In Israel, the military said Israeli tanks that are deployed in the Golan Heights, which the Israelis seized from Syria in the 1967 war, had made a direct hit on Syrian artillery units on Monday after consecutive days of erratic mortar fire coming from the Syrian side of the armistice line. The Syrian mortar shells caused no damage or casualties, the military said.

Military officials and analysts in Israel said that they viewed the Syrian shelling as unintentional spillover from the civil war and that Israel has no desire to get involved in the Syria conflict. But the Israelis have expressed increasing concern that after four decades of relative stability in the Golan area, the Assad government may be trying to push them into a fight that could galvanize Arab hostility toward Israel and distract attention from its own problems.

If an errant Syrian shell hit a school filled with children on the Israeli side, said Prof. Moshe Maoz at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a strong Israeli response would be all but guaranteed. “Assad knows very well that Israel does not have a sense of humor here and can retaliate very heavily.”

The United Nations, which monitors an armistice agreement between Israel and Syria in force since the 1973 war, has said it fears that Golan violence could jeopardize the cease-fire.

In Doha, Qatar, where Syrian opposition figures had been meeting since last week, the agreement reached Sunday on forming a new umbrella organization, which could become the basis for a provisional government, was welcomed by participants and the effort’s foreign backers, including Turkey, the United States, the European Union and the Arab League. There were expectations that the new group, called the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, would be permitted to take Syria’s seat at the Arab League, which had expelled Mr. Assad’s representative.

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry released a statement saying that the agreement “would add momentum to efforts in completing the democratic transition process in line with the legitimate expectations of the people.”

In the northern Syrian city of Aleppo, a focal point of the conflict since this summer, civilians who have been living under the threat of constant shelling by the Syrian Army welcomed the opposition unity agreement and expressed hope that it signaled a turning point.

“We have been waiting for this for a very very long time,” said Abu al-Hasan, an anti-Assad activist in Aleppo who was reached by telephone. “Even if it is not perfect yet, it will save us.” But he also warned that “people do not believe this will stop the shelling like a miracle.”

There was no sign that the violence was abating elsewhere inside Syria. Activist groups said warplanes were dropping bombs in Damascus suburbs and that army snipers had taken up positions in areas where bombs had been dropped. The mayhem surrounding central Damascus made residents in that part of the capital feel increasingly isolated.

“The inside of the city is like a big prison now,” said Alexia Jade, a media activist contacted inside Damascus. “The checkpoints have increased and the lines of cars waiting to be searched are getting longer.”

Sebnem Arsu reported from Gaziantep, Turkey, and Rick Gladstone from New York. Reporting was contributed by Isabel Kershner and Jodi Rudoren from Jerusalem, and Hania Mourtada from Beirut, Lebanon.

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Preoccupations: Bridging the Hiring Gap for College Graduates

MANY newly minted college graduates are filled with anxiety, fearing that they won’t find decent jobs despite their knowledge and skills, and that they will never be free of tuition debt. At the same time, executives say they can’t find qualified applicants for a wide range of jobs.

So, this fall, I talked to about a dozen C.E.O.’s in a variety of industries, along with more than 135 graduates, to try to get to the bottom of this paradox.

Instead of finding shared interests linking those who need work and those who need workers, I uncovered a serious divide that limits the success of both.

Every C.E.O. I met described recent graduates as lacking the skills and discipline required in today’s workplace. They complained that young employees deemed themselves entitled to promotion before mastering their assigned tasks. All concluded, in effect, “Let them grow up on someone else’s payroll.”

I replied that my interviews with young people showed that many had records of part-time jobs and excellent grades at selective schools that seemed to make them promising candidates. But executives countered that recent graduates had emerged from universities whose weakened requirements didn’t prepare them for the complex jobs that companies must now fill.

Recent graduates say they are equipped to add value to any employer who hires them. An economics graduate from the University of North Carolina told me: “I’m sick of the bashing our generation gets. I had a 3.6 G.P.A. in a demanding major. Everyone in my dorm knew it would be difficult to land a job, so we held study groups where people in different disciplines shared information. We invited alumni to tutor us in skills and office protocol employers value. All I ask is a chance to prove I’m as good as the best of any generation.”

It’s true that companies are actively seeking petroleum engineers, systems designers, supply-chain analysts and other graduates armed with “hard” skills. But those who majored in English, philosophy, history and other liberal arts subjects are far less likely to be offered an interview, much less a job.

At one time, employers recruited liberal arts graduates whose broad education shaped an inquiring mind and the ability to evaluate conflicting points of view. Their education also brought a freshness of vision that saw alternatives to outdated practices. Graduates entered corporate training programs armed mainly with potential, but soon absorbed business disciplines. Veteran employees seeing that growth didn’t laugh when a trainee suggested a different approach to a chronic problem.

Rotating through departments let young people showcase their abilities; the most promising were selected by managers eager to mentor them. Several C.E.O.’s I spoke with, including those most critical of recent graduates, had this type of training. Today, such programs are more likely to recruit those with immediately applicable skills that can be honed on the job. As one hiring manager told me: “We no longer have the luxury to hire bench strength. If an applicant isn’t ready to step into an open job we don’t hire them.”

But I’ve found many broadly educated employees to be quicker than technical staff members to develop the intuition that’s crucial on a work floor where gray — not black or white — is the dominant color. Many of the best general managers with whom I work as a consultant entered the workplace with broad educations and not with technical degrees. It was their intuition that helped them ascend — their ability to suspect a flaw even when data appeared correct, to read the mood of customers and employees, and to sense potential in a product others disdained.

EVEN the most technologically innovative companies benefit from having a balance of employees — most with technical degrees, others with broader educations. Valuable products and services emerge from the clash of ideas between analytical professionals and managers whose greatest strength is their intuitiveness.

Can’t someone who can conjugate French verbs, write statistically dense research papers and explicate the poetry of William Blake be trained in computer programming, supply-chain management and other skills valued by hiring managers? An entire generation hopes that C.E.O.’s somewhere believe that giving them an opportunity is the right — and the smart — thing to do.

Robert W. Goldfarb is a management consultant and author of “What’s Stopping Me From Getting Ahead?”

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Global Update: A Solar Device to Help Sterilize Instruments

Solar power can steam-sterilize surgical instruments, according to a new study — but the contraption needed to do so is not pocket-size.

Sterilizing instruments needed in surgical emergencies like Caesarean births or appendectomies can be a problem in rural clinics in Africa: There may be no electricity, jugs of bleach or tanks of propane.

So a Rice University team recently modified a prototype of an old solar stove to power a simple autoclave, which is a pressure-cooker for instruments, and tested it in the Texas sun.

On all 27 attempts, it reached United States government sterilization standards.

How practical it is awaits African trials; it is nearly 12 feet long and 6 feet tall and has bright curved mirrors to focus sunlight on a water-filled pipe. On sunny days, it can make steam at 150 degrees Celsius (302 degrees Fahrenheit) from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Douglas A. Schuler, above, a Rice business professor and lead author of the study, published in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, said he “married into the project.” His French father-in-law designed the solar stove years ago after a student trip to West Africa. But women in Haiti, where they tested it, “just hated cooking on it,” Dr. Schuler said, so they found a different use for it.

The initial setup costs about $2,100. But sunlight costs nothing, making five years of operation about $2,000 cheaper than using propane.

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Global Update: A Solar Device to Help Sterilize Instruments

Solar power can steam-sterilize surgical instruments, according to a new study — but the contraption needed to do so is not pocket-size.

Sterilizing instruments needed in surgical emergencies like Caesarean births or appendectomies can be a problem in rural clinics in Africa: There may be no electricity, jugs of bleach or tanks of propane.

So a Rice University team recently modified a prototype of an old solar stove to power a simple autoclave, which is a pressure-cooker for instruments, and tested it in the Texas sun.

On all 27 attempts, it reached United States government sterilization standards.

How practical it is awaits African trials; it is nearly 12 feet long and 6 feet tall and has bright curved mirrors to focus sunlight on a water-filled pipe. On sunny days, it can make steam at 150 degrees Celsius (302 degrees Fahrenheit) from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Douglas A. Schuler, above, a Rice business professor and lead author of the study, published in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, said he “married into the project.” His French father-in-law designed the solar stove years ago after a student trip to West Africa. But women in Haiti, where they tested it, “just hated cooking on it,” Dr. Schuler said, so they found a different use for it.

The initial setup costs about $2,100. But sunlight costs nothing, making five years of operation about $2,000 cheaper than using propane.

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Report Sees U.S. as Top Oil Producer, Overtaking Saudi Arabia, in 5 Years

Charlie Riedel/Associated Press

A pump jack near Greensburg, Kan. Increased oil production and new policies to improve energy efficiency mean that the United States will become “all but self-sufficient” in energy in about two decades, the International Energy Agency predicted.

The United States will overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s leading oil producer by about 2017 and will become a net oil exporter by 2030, according to a new report released on Monday by the International Energy Agency.

That increased oil production, combined with new American policies to improve energy efficiency, means that the United States will become “all but self-sufficient” in meeting its energy needs in about two decades — a “dramatic reversal of the trend” in most developed countries, the report says.

“The foundations of the global energy systems are shifting,” said Fatih Birol, chief economist at the Paris-based organization, which produces the annual World Energy Outlook, in an interview before the release. The agency, which advises industrialized nations on energy issues, had previously predicted that Saudi Arabia would be the leading producer until 2035.

The report also predicted that global energy demand would grow by 35 percent to 46 percent between 2010 and 2035, depending on whether policies that have been proposed are actually put in place. Most of that growth will come from China, India and the Middle East, where the consuming class is growing rapidly. The consequences are “potentially far reaching” for global energy markets and trade, the report said.

Dr. Birol noted, for example, that Middle Eastern oil once bound for the United States would probably be rerouted to China. American-mined coal, facing declining demand in its home market, is already heading to Europe and China instead.

There are several components of the sudden shift in the world’s energy supply, but the prime mover is a resurgence of oil and gas production in the United States, particularly the unlocking of new reserves of oil and gas found in shale rock. The widespread adoption of techniques such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling has made those reserves much more accessible, and in the case of natural gas, resulted in a vast glut that has sent prices plunging.

The report predicted that the United States would overtake Russia as the leading producer of natural gas in 2015.

The strong statements and specific predictions by the energy agency lend new weight to trends that have become increasingly apparent in the last year.

“This striking conclusion confirms a lot of recent projections,” said Michael Levi, senior fellow for energy and environment at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Formed in 1974 after the oil crisis by a group of oil-importing nations, including the United States, the International Energy Agency monitors and analyzes global energy trends to insure safe and sustainable supply.

Mr. Levi said that the I.E.A. report was generally “good news” for the United States because it highlights the nation’s new sources of energy. But he cautioned that being self-sufficient did not mean that the country would be insulated from seesawing energy prices, since those oil prices are set by global markets.

“You may be somewhat less vulnerable to price shocks and the U.S. may be slightly more protected, but it doesn’t give you the energy independence some people claim,” he said.

Also, he noted, the agency’s projection of United States self-sufficiency assumed that the country would push ahead with improving gas mileage in cars and energy efficiency in homes and appliances. “It’s supply and demand together that adds up to this striking conclusion,” Mr. Levi said.

Dr. Birol said the agency’s prediction of increasing American self-sufficiency was 55 percent a reflection of more oil production and 45 percent a reflection of improving energy efficiency in the United States, primarily from the Obama administration’s new fuel economy standards for cars. He added that even stronger policies to promote energy efficiency were needed in the United States and many other countries.

The report said that several other factors could also have a large impact on world energy markets over the next few years. These include the recovery of the Iraqi oil industry, which would lead to new supply, and the decision by some countries, notably Germany and Japan, to move away from nuclear energy in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.

The new energy sources will help the United States economy, Dr. Birol said, providing continued cheap energy relative to the rest of the world. The I.E.A. estimates that electricity prices will be about 50 percent cheaper in the United States than in Europe, largely because of a rise in the number of power plants fueled by cheap natural gas, helping American industries and consumers.

But the message is more sobering for the planet, in terms of climate change. Although natural gas is frequently promoted for being relatively low in carbon emissions compared to oil or coal, the new global energy market could make it even harder to prevent dangerous levels of warming.

The United States’ reduced reliance on coal will just mean that coal moves to other places, the report says. And the use of coal, now the dirtiest fuel, continues to rise elsewhere. China’s coal demand will peak around 2020 and then stay steady until 2035, the report predicted, and in 2025, India will overtake the United States as the world’s second-largest coal user.

The report warns that no more than one-third of the proven reserves of fossil fuels should be used by 2050 to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius, as many scientists recommend.

Such restraint is extremely unlikely without a binding international treaty by 2017 that requires countries to limit the growth of their emissions, Dr. Birol said. He added that pushing ahead with technologies that could capture and store carbon dioxide was also crucial.

“The report confirms that, given the current policies, we will blow past every safe target for emissions,” Mr. Levi said. “This should put to rest the idea that the boom in natural gas will save us from that.”

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: November 12, 2012

An earlier version of a photo caption with this article incorrectly identified the equipment used in an oil field in Greensburg, Kan. It is a pump jack, not an oil rig.

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